Many companies in today’s time is looking to set up a GmbH in Germany, however it is not that easy considering the legal entities of the country. However, with International payroll services you, as the managing director, can get a visa and stay permit in Germany with company’s active business and continues operations.  We make sure to make the process easy and quick and. This can be easily done by Forming A GmbH In Germany. GmbH is basically a limited liability company.

Germany is a country with strict regulations and require a bit of paperwork and it takes some time to get a GmbH registered and ready to start trading. It can easily take 2-3 months but do not worry with us you are secured to enjoy a reasonable deal.

How we do it?

·         With a technique of the alternative- buying an “off the shelf” company, namely a company that is already formed and which only needs to be registered in your name.

·         We can keep providing bookkeeping services, take care of your tax returns etc. (all of this through partners who have the appropriate licenses).

·         We have got years of experience in the business so the trust is immense without any doubt.

·         We will guide you through the necessary steps to setting up a legal entity in Germany and advise you on the best approach.

·         Our services also include working with tax advisors, lawyers and other payroll service companies to bring you the optimum service.

It is important to remember that Germany requires a minimum capital of € 25,000 for a GmbH. This money is not, however “lost” and can be used for salary, buying machines, cars or whatever else. Please note that we are not a visa agency and can't help you with other visas outside of company formation. Connect to us, for Setting Up A GmbH In Germany


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