How diversity hiring in Germany takes place?

Diversity hiring is considered to be the first step towards a diverse and inclusive workplace culture which brings in a plethora of benefits in the form of untapped potential and opportunities, fresh ideas, and fresh viewpoints. 

Here are some of the incredible ways used for hiring an employee in Germany to add diversity to the organisation:

·        Use of AI

The traditional process for hiring in Germany is said to be a victim of unconscious bias. This is the reason, AI technology is being used along with human efforts for ensuring proper screening of the candidates' resumes for delivering a smooth diversity hiring process.


·        Employee referral program

As per research the employees can refer people like themselves only, thus closing the doors for diversity. This calls for certain modifications in the employee referral program. So, instead of asking the employees for simple referrals, go for diverse referrals or simply leads. This allows employees to think out of the box leaving their unconscious bias behind.


·        Job description

Job descriptions should be carefully written using a gender neutral language with use of right pronouns. The language should be simple to understand and the unnecessary job requirements should be eliminated. Before posting, make sure to cross check and proof read the final copy of the job description.


·        Candidate screening

The screening process is usually a biased one which robs the organisation of the opportunity to hire some talented yet overlooked set of candidates. Blind hiring tools should be used where the personal information and background of the individual is hidden from interviewer in order to remove any sort of bias. 


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