4 Tips To Keep In Mind While Hiring An Employee In Germany

Hiring an employee in Germany is more than just acquiring a set of skills. It has an impact on the overall internal dynamics of the team and the company as a whole.
Here is a list of some tips while hiring in Germany:

1. Look Beyond The Resume

One of the biggest mistake made by hiring managers in the company is judging the employee solely by his resume. Whereas resume is a good start to screen a potential employee, it can never tell you the whole story. Always try to look beyond the resume and focus on attitude and fit rather than skill and experience. A good cultural fit is going to turn into a loyal employee of a company and thus would prove as a huge asset in the company’s future growth. 

2. Ask Not What They Would Do, But What They Did Do

One way to identify whether a potential candidate is going to be a good fit is to find out how they have performed in the real-world scenarios that have already happened in the past. In other words, rather than asking what they would do in a particular situation, twist your question to ask them some of the situations they already have been in and how best, they tackled those situations. This would give you a clear picture of how a potential candidate would perform if a similar situation comes up in your company. 

3. Invest In Personality Tests

A personality test can reveal a lot about whether the potential candidate has all the required traits and characteristics that would make them likely to succeed in the specific position. It’s important that any personality test you administer meets validation criteria. Validated tests undergo a series of analyses in order to ensure that they’re effective and don’t profile or discriminate. Using a personality test ensures that any potential candidate you will interview would be at least more than a 50% match for the company culture. 

4. Trust The Evidence, Not Your Gut

While hiring, it is always tempting to “trust your gut”, but impulse hiring can do more harm than good to your company. Always base your decisions on “preponderance of the evidence.” Include case studies in your interview process. Go through all of the steps of the hiring process and identify the skills, personality, and instincts in order to a good fit.


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