4 Tips To Keep In Mind While Hiring An Employee In Germany
So many things are happening since you started the company. You
have grown substantially and built a brand in the market, the company is
growing into many employees and now you have a lot of things to take care of
along with running your business. One day you are hiring
an employee in Germany and the next you are working towards outsourcing
Germany. So much to do and so little time right.
This 4 tips will help your work towards hiring
in Germany a bit easier:
1. Look Beyond The Resume
“Probably the number one mistake is that
they focus on skills and experience as opposed to focusing on attitude and fit.
The analogy with that is that you should hire for the things you cannot train.”
In other words, read past the resume. It is called reading between
the lines. Try to look for attitude and judge it with case studies during an
interview. The more clarity you get on an employee’s attitude, the better the
chances you would be able to hire the right candidate.
![Image result for Vancancy](https://imagevars.gulfnews.com/2019/10/07/Business_16da4d2f7e8_large.jpg)
2. Ask Not What They Would Do, But What They Did Do
Another important tip to keep in mind is trying to gauge a
person’s caliber from what they have already done rather than what can they do
or would do for your company. It is fairly easy for me to say that. “I can work
towards making your company FORBES top 100 companies.” But who is to say that
the same employee won’t leave the company in the next 6 months just because he
got a better opportunity. So judge the employee with their past work. What
problems did they solve for their previous employer? What approach do they
follow while solving these problems? The answers to such questions would give
you a much clear picture.
![Image result for Personality Tests](https://www.assuranceagency.com/Media/Default/blog/headers/PersonalityTest.jpg)
3. Put A Premium On Personality Tests
Personality tests help you in the most crucial way. Identifying
whether the candidate would be a good cultural fit in the company. These days
companies prefer like-minded people over highly skilled ones due to a number of
reasons. The foremost being the fact that skill can be taught but attitude and
culture can not be imbibed in any person. Therefore, always prefer a candidate
whose personal goals match with your organizational goals. Only then will you
be able to find a candidate who will be efficient, loyal and innovative.
![Image result for Vancancy](https://d2v9ipibika81v.cloudfront.net/uploads/sites/235/job-oportunity-default.jpg)
4. Trust The Evidence; Not Your Gut
I am going by my gut is a very cool thing to say but when it comes
to filling a crucial vacancy in the company, impulse hiring can be extremely
dangerous. Go through all of the steps of the hiring process and collect data
that can tell you whether the candidate you are considering has the skills,
personality, and instincts to be a good fit in your organization.
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