Important Facts That Employers Need To Be Aware Of While Providing Benefits In Kind

Most employers today understand the importance of offering the right benefits and rewards to the employees to keep them motivated. These rewards and benefits are generally offered in kind rather than cash, but nonetheless they play a critical role in enhancing employee engagement and performance. However, it is important for the employers to gain awareness about some basic facts with respect to offering such benefits to their employees. These facts can help the employers in ensuring that the rewards being provided by them ensure the happiness of their employees rather than the taxation office. The most important of these facts are discussed in brief as follows.

Exemption Threshold Of Rewards And Benefits Offered in Kind

The employers should make themselves aware of the maximum exemption limit on any benefits offered in kind. Lack of this knowledge might make them responsible for putting an additional taxation burden on their employees, which they would definitely not approve of. Hence, the employers should be sure to consult with their payroll service provider in Germany before deciding about any benefits and rewards they intend to present to their employees. These professionals can guide them through the best ways to present the rewards which might be beyond the maximum taxation limit.

Maintain The Monthly Exemption Threshold

The employers also need to understand that in addition keeping an eye on the maximum exemption limits of individual benefits and rewards they also need to maintain the monthly exemption threshold. This means that the rewards and benefits being provided to a single employee in kind should not exceed the monthly exemption threshold, which generally stands at EUR 44. Non compliance to this rule can not only create taxation troubles for both the employers and employees but can also jeopardize their social security.

Keep A Record Of Everything

Many times the employers fail to keep a proper record of the benefits and rewards they offer to their employees. However, this seemingly insignificant mistake can create problems for them with the local taxation office. Moreover, it will affect their overall account maintenance and can cause much confusion during year end closing. As such, the employers should instruct their payroll Germany service providers to maintain a proper record of all the benefits offered in kind to individual employees in their salary account. In case the employers feel the need to seek relief from compulsory record keeping, they should do so through a competent tax office in their area.

Keep The Needs And Expectations Of Employees In Mind

While this aspect is not related to the legal provisions of providing benefits in kind, it still holds much significance. The employers should make sure that they consider the needs and expectations of their employees before deciding upon a specific benefit or reward. This is necessary to ensure the happiness and contentment of the employees and make them feel truly valued. This can in turn help in improving the overall engagement and efficiency of the employers leading to organizational growth.


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