Setting Up A GmbH In Germany - The Essential Checklist
Are you considering setting up a GmbH in Germany ? Have you fulfilled all the necessary requirements? Forming a GmbH in Germany requires completion of a number of legal formalities. To save hours of yours from researching what all to compile, here is your neat checklist: Choose The Right Company Form The company type should be dependent upon the line of business the company will be dealing in. Thus, before incorporation, ensure that the said company form is right in terms of the purpose of your company. Check if you are having sufficient amount of capital to invest in the GmbH. The minimum capital requirement for a GmbH company is € 25,000, half of which is required to be deposited immediately. Company Name You may already be having a name in your mind, but to check its availability, you need to check in the commercial register. If the name is already taken, you need to think of something else. Company’s Objective As per the German law, the individual shoul...